Saturday, September 22, 2018

Nebraska, visit to Carhenge

We rolled into Nebraska, clicking off our 38th state.  We made a stop at a very fun roadside attraction: Carhenge.  It is a replica of Stonehenge but it's made from vintage cars.  It was built in 1987 and interestingly, it was one of the best places in the US to watch the solar eclipse last summer.  There are also some other art pieces scattered about this location.  Carhenge is a popular tourist stop that many people have heard of.  If you are in northwest Nebraska, stop by; it is definitely a fun place to stretch your legs and see how creative people can be.

"Car-nestoga" wagon

On our way through Nebraska, we ran through a nasty storm, par for the course for the plains weather. Made a super cool picture though.

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