Monday, March 26, 2018

Shreveport, LA

Made several stops while we were in Shreveport, LA

First stop was the 8th Air Force Museum located on Barksdale Air Force Base.  An indoor museum with many historical artifacts and an outdoor space with lots of vintage military planes.

Next stop was at the Shreveport Water Works Museum.  This is a water works that ran on steam power and was in operation until 1980.  The museum is fantastic; well preserved; very well documented.  The guide who showed us around really knew his stuff. 

Our last stop was the Louisiana State Oil and Gas Museum in Oil City, LA.  The first oil well was drilled in northern Louisiana in 1904.  From there, the industry boomed in the area.  This museum chronicles the boom on the oil industry in the area and eventually the bust of the industry leaving the area in the 1980s. 

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