Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Manhattan Project National Historical Park, Los Alamos, NM

The Manhattan Project site in Los Alamos, NM is one of three park sites that represent the research and testing that was happening in secret places all over the US during WWII.  These sites were filled with scientists and engineers that were working on developing the Atomic bomb.  The other two sites that are part of the Manhattan Project NHS are in Tennessee and Washington.  The Los Alamos site only has a few buildings that you can tour.  There is still an active military area here but, of course, that is off limits.  This park pays tribute to the dedication and research that went into ultimately ending WWII.

Statues of Dr. Oppenheimer, scientific head of the project and General Groves, military head of the project.

Fuller Lodge, a beautiful log lodge that was a boys school until the building was purchased by the US government to be used for lodging for the project.  We were told that this school was very popular with the young men because they could bring their horse, their dog and their rifle with them.

This was fun; a local pub offered a Build your own burger Project.  And yes it tasted as good as it looks

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