Monday, June 10, 2019

Volunteering with the National Park Service

In April and May, we spent our time volunteering at with the National Park Service at Aztec Ruins National Monument, in Aztec, New Mexico.  During our time there, we met some really fantastic people and spent 4 days a week manning the desk at the Visitors Center.  We greeted visitors and gave them a brief orientation about the site.  We also helped to facilitate many school field trips.  We were surprised at the many international visitors.  I am sure that we had people from at least a dozen different countries.  We really enjoyed our time volunteering with the NPS and are considering doing it again sometime.

My next set of posts will be about all the places we visited on our days off while volunteering at Aztec Ruins NM.

One of the views out our RV window, with a storm brewing.

Sign that we would pass each day as we headed back to our RV.  It says Do Not Go beyond this point.
Visitors Center, where we spent our "work" days

The deer would come visit us often.  There are some by the tree in the center of the photo.
Picnic shelter near the RV.
View out of our front door, on the day it snowed, in late May.

Desk inside Visitor's Center

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