Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Paterson Great Falls National Historic Park, New Jersey

Paterson Falls NHP is located in Paterson, New Jersey.  Besides an amazing, jaw-dropping waterfall,  As much as two billion gallons of water a day pours over the falls.  Paterson was also known for many factories that utilized the power of the water.  One of the prominent goods produced here was textiles.  The park is currently under construction upgrades but the falls is still accessible.  There are some great views from a walking bridge and up close as well.  There is also a stadium there that was used for car and motorcycle racing and negro league baseball.  The stadium is currently abandoned and in much need or repair but there are plans to refurbish it eventually.  The entire area is a city park and there are places to walk and picnic.  Definitely a place to spend a couple of hours in an incredibly beautiful setting. 

Hinchliff Staduim

Inside of Staduim

Machines used in textile mills

Paterson Colt Revolvers

Earliest submarine.

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