Saturday, August 31, 2019

Keweenaw National Historical Park, Calumet, MI

The Keweenaw NHP in Calumet, Michigan, is a collection a sites throughout the Keweenaw peninsula.  The park is dedicated to the copper industry that made its mark on this part of Michigan's upper peninsula.  The copper mining began in this area as far back as the Native American  occupation.  In the 1800s financial investors and immigrant miners moved into the area and began copper mining operations.  The mining is now over for the Keweenaw peninsula, but the mines and building remain.

While we were in Calumet to see the National Park site, we stumbled upon Pasty Fest.  There were having a parade, a car show and a pasty eating contest.  We were able to catch the pasty eating contest with the winner eating 3 whole pasties in 5 minutes. (if you don't know what a pasty is, read my post on the Upper Peninsula).

Pasty eating contest, winner is on the left.

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