Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pullman National Monument, Chicago, IL

The Pullman National Monument is located south of Chicago, IL.  It was a town, factory and housing area that was designed by George Pullman of the Pullman train car empire.  Pullman's idea was that if he gave his workers everything they needed, they would be less likely to form a union. He built stores, provided a doctor, recreational areas, housing in from upper class to working class even a church.  A beautiful hotel was also built to house visitors. The whole complex covered over 4,000 acres, with the factory taking up the largest share of the land.  His experiment of a planned community was well received but in the end, did not keep his workers from striking.

Hotel Florence

Administration Building, damaged by fire, being restored for the new visitor's center

One of the factory buildings, also damaged by fire.

Executive housing

Worker's row houses


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