Saturday, July 6, 2019

Strataca Salt MIne, Hutchinson, KS

Strataca is an underground salt mine in Kansas that give guests the opportunity to see what mining salt 650 feet underground looks and feels like.  The tour includes a train ride through some of the salt mine and a tram ride as well.  During the tram ride, you get to stop and pick up a chunk of salt to take home.  (The chunk can be no bigger than the palm of your hand...there has to be rules or someone would try to take half the mine with them.)  The kind of salt they mine here is road salt for ice and snow; not the kind that you put on your food.  There are also several videos and a gift shop underground.  You must wear a hard hat at all times.  Mike Rowe, from Dirty Jobs, filmed an episode in the salt mine.  There is a lot of old mining equipment setting around here and there.  Basically anything that comes down into the mine stays there, including piles of trash from many years of miners eating their lunch below ground.  There is also another large section of the mine that is used for storage for film and costumes from many Hollywood movies.  The constant temperature of 68 degrees and the protection from floods and fires makes this the perfect place to preserve these items.  They also have mountain bike races, 5K runs and murder mystery theater as well as a banquet/conference room down in the mine.  There was so much to see and do, I think we spend about 3 hours down there.

Mike Rowe, Dirty Jobs

Trash pile from years gone by

The bathroom

Choose a piece of salt to take home

Movie Memorabilia

Racing suit, Talladega Nights

Wall in bathroom is salt rock, the blue sign asks you not to chip pieces off of wall,

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