Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve near Emporia, Kansas is a remnant of the over 170 million acres of tallgrass prairie that covered the plains.  The preserve covers over 11,000 acres and has many walking trails.  Buffalo and cattle also graze on this land.  There is also a barn and large farmhouse that you can tour.  The tallgrass prairie is blooming with dozens of wildflowers and native plants.  The rolling hills and acres and acres of grasses go on as far as the eye can see.  It is simply stunning.  We took a 3 mile bus tour out into the prairie; I took a lot of pictures but I now realize that they kind of all look the same, just miles and miles of grass.  I really can't imagine what it was like for the wagon trains crossing mile after mile of prairie only to get up and do it again the next day, and the next. 

Cellar where food was kept cold.

The woodwork and detail in the house was unbelievable.


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