Monday, October 7, 2019

Oceanside, OR

Visited the quaint little town of Oceanside, OR.  There is a lovely beach there.  The unique thing about this beach is that it is one of the best places to find agate stones, especially in the fall and winter.  We were able to find some small stones.  The waves wash away the sand in the fall and winter seasons and it leaves behind the agate stones.  Besides the stones, there is a cool tunnel that leads to another beach area. The important thing is, you must leave this beach area before the tide comes back in, or you will be stranded.  All in all, it was a wonderful place to spend a (kinda) sunny afternoon.

We thought the abundance of warning signs was interesting.

Houses of Oceanside, overlooking beach.

Entrance to tunnel leading to another beach.

Exit of tunnel.

Sand drawing.

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