Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Gettysburg National Military Park, PA

We spent a day at Gettysburg National Military Park, in Gettysburg, PA.  There is so much to see here.  We spent some time in the Visitors Center / Gettysburg museum.  We also took a driving tour of the various battle sites in the area, this was accompanied by an audio CD that told about what happened at each site.  What really surprised and impressed us were the hundreds of monuments that dotted the battlefields and the surrounding landscapes.  There are approximately 450 of them ranging from huge granite pillars, bronze statues and metal plaques, each one honoring a particular person or a particular regiment from a specific state.  The museum contains a Cyclorama, which is a circular painting meant to immerse the viewer into the scene.  This painting was painted in 1883 by artist Paul Philippoteaux.  After years of neglect while in storage, it has been restored and in now on display once again.  Our final stop was to the Soldiers' National Cemetery where many of the soldiers who died at the battle of Gettysburg are buried, including many unknown soldiers.  This cemetery is also where President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address.

The hole in this barn that is seen under the two diamond shapes was made by a cannonball.

Pennsylvania monument, the largest at Gettysburg.

Monument to the High Water mark, this was the farthest north that the Confederate army reached during the Civil War.

Confederate uniform

Union uniform

Part of the Cyclorama painting

Another Cyclorama painting

Lincoln's Gettysburg address memorial

Markers for unknown graves.

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