Monday, April 9, 2018

Mammoth Cave National Park, KY

Mammoth Cave in Kentucky is the longest explored cave system with over 400 miles of mapped tunnels.  We took a 2 hour, 2 mile tour through a portion of the cave.  This route had over 400 stair steps and we went down 300 feet into the cave.  We saw the "bottomless pit"  and the giant's coffin. We went through fat man's misery, a narrow portion of the trail, and tall man's misery, a section of the trail that is only about 4 feet in height. The pictures didn't turn out too well because we weren't allowed to use the flash on our camera.  If you go, they offer many different cave tours, something for every ability.  The tours usually sell out before the day of the tour, so it is best to make reservations ahead of time.

Cave entrance

Bottomless Pit

Names from the past, written on the ceiling of the cave with candle soot.

Sign says Fat Man's Misery. 
The trail was just wide enough at your feet/knee level for you to put one foot in front of the other,
thankfully, it was wider a waist level and higher.

Tall Man's Misery, we really had to stoop over for this part.

I see the light, i think that this is the way out!

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