Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Harrison, NE

The Agate Fossil Beds NM in northwest Nebraska is home to thousands of fossil bones from many mammal species that were precursors to many of our current day mammals.  The bones preserved here are varied and plentiful.  The Lakota Sioux called this High Plains area home.  There is a collection of Native American items here that is truly amazing.  James H Cook was a local rancher that befriended the local tribes.  As a result, he was given ,over the years, hundreds of gifts of moccasins, gloves, painted hides, shirts and dresses as a gesture of friendship and honor.  Many of these items are displayed in the museum of the visitors center.  It was James Cook that first discovered the fossil bones in one of the hills on his ranch.  This led to several universities sending out teams to investigate the findings.  One of the interesting finds are fossils that look like giant corkscrews.  They were originally thought to be roots of giant plants.  However, later a small mammal fossil of an animal somewhat like a beaver or groundhog was found inside one of these corkscrews.  Now it is believed that these were burrows for these animals.  There are super cool looking. 

Damenoelix, Demon Helix, corkscrew burrow

Painted hide from the James H Cook collection

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