Monday, September 2, 2019

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Lake Superior, WI

We took a boat tour of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore on Lake Superior, north of Wisconsin.  On this 3 hour boat tour, it rained for the first hour, but we were able to see many of the 21 islands that make up the national park site.  One of the islands is where they used to cut brownstone that was then shipped to many cities across the east and midwest.  The brownstone was used to build homes and other buildings across the eastern half of the country.  We also saw a fishcamp and two lighthouses.  The rock formations on the islands and the pure beauty of this remote wilderness were sights to behold.  We were able to see several eagles nests and spotted one eagle sitting in a tree.  The Apostle Islands are known for their ice caves that form along the cliffs along the shore in the winter.  Many people take the miles long hike to see these spectacular sights.  That will have to be another trip...someday...maybe.

Lens from old lighthouse

Fish Camp

People like to canoe or kayak in and out of these little caverns

Devil's Island Lighthouse

Raspberry Island Lighthouse

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