Friday, September 27, 2019

North Cascades National Park, Marblemount, WA

People keep asking us what our favorite place that we have seen so far.  I definitely found a new favorite in North Cascades National Park.  There are many glacial lakes that are the most beautiful color of green/blue.  There are mountains and waterfalls and rain forest.  We saw salmon spawning in the river.  We drove over a dam and hiked up behind another dam to see a waterfall.  So much diversity, so much beauty.
See for yourself some of the photos we took.  In fact, one of these is my favorite photo from the whole trip.  That is saying a lot because I have taken over 10,000 pictures. This pic just turned out so absolutely amazing.  I will post it and you can see what you think.

Diablo Lake 

The green color comes from the sun reflecting off of rock fragments in the water. The fragments come from glacial melt.

The rain forest is so cool.  The moss covers everything: rocks, trees, stumps, etc.

This is my favorite photo.  I did not alter this pic in any way.  

The black spots in this picture are salmon spawning (laying eggs) in the river.

Ladder Creek Falls Power Plant

Ladder Creek Falls

Down stream from the dam

Upstream from the dam

Crossing the Diablo dam
Washington Pass Overlook

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