Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site, Williston, ND

The Fort Union Trading Post NHS sat on the border of Montana and North Dakota.  If fact, the parking lot for the site is in Montana and the trading post sits in North Dakota.  This post was a very busy place. Northern Plains Indians traded buffalo and other furs for goods including, guns, cloth, blankets and beads.  The trading post was in existence from 1828 and 1867.  They traded over 25,000 buffalo hides annually.  The trading post was eventually sold to the US government to be used as a fort.  It was used as a military fort for only a short time, then the military established a new fort a short distance away and used the materials from the trading post to help build the new fort.  The buildings we see today have all been rebuilt on the original sites.

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